Myrtle Point First Christian Church

Myrtle Point First Christian Church
A view from the front

Monday, December 27, 2010


Everything in life revolves around relationships -- everything. God reveals Himself to us as a relationship through the Trinity and guides and teaches us through our personal relationship with Jesus (John 17:6-8).

The most important relationship is a personal relationship with our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ -- a vertical relationship.

The Bible, our guidebook to daily living, repeatedly confirms the importance of community. Relationships provide us the opportunity to live out our beliefs according to Scripture and be a living testimony of Christ to the world. These horizontal relationships create balance in our lives. The best horizontal relationships are commitments to live with others, to become connected with others in a basic Christian community. Small groups are our best setting to explore and experience both of these types of relationships.

Small Groups Provide:

An opportunity to Study God's Word in community and discuss how it practically applies to our lives.

The Bible is God's guidebook to daily living. In the same way we exercise our body for fitness, we need to exercise our minds to better understand the Bible. Studying the Bible in a group significantly improves our retention and promotes a more in-depth understanding. The group discussions sharpen our Bible skills and provides us insights on how to practically apply God's Word in real life situations. In a small group setting, you can ask questions, participate in a discussion of the text, and hear others share insights and illustrations of the truth you are trying to grasp. The Bible must be applied to your own personal situation; small groups challenge us to do just that.

2. A safe haven to honestly share our life struggles and better deal with daily stress and pressure.

Every Christian needs a spiritual family. We all need a place where we feel safe to share our feelings with others and allow others to authentically share their feelings with us. We need a family where we are cared for, nurtured, challenged, guided and prayed for; where we can ask straightforward questions and disclose our struggles. Small groups provide excellent support in times of crisis, change, and stress. You'll have a sense of stability and security because you know there are people who genuinely care for you and are committed to supporting you.

3. An opportunity to live out the "one another's" in the New Testament.

Every Christian needs a laboratory for life. There are over 50 "one another's" in the Bible: we are challenged in scripture to love one another, pray for one another, encourage one another, and stimulate one another to love and to do good deeds. The small group offers a warm family setting where the "one another's" can be lived out. This is especially important for experiencing the full essence of God. A list of New Testament 'one another' and 'each other' verses are listed in the training section of the small group library.

4. An opportunity to develop leadership skills you never knew you had

In groups we can share our daily lives, as well as share simple group tasks. Sharing in this way creates a very special bond of fellowship and at the same time offers you the opportunity to grow in God's service. The small group process provides the setting for natural sharing, so no one feels pressured or obligated. Instead, we develop our natural talents for service in a loving and caring environment.

5. Effective opportunities to share the gospel with family, friends and neighbors

Time and time again we see people connecting with God and His community because they felt comfortable attending a small group event when invited. Many who feel threatened or find church services unappealing are much more receptive to an invitation to a casual Bible discussion in a home or office setting. In a small group, your unbelieving friends can ask questions and express honest doubts without feeling out of place or foolish. In the understanding small group setting they can take their first steps in connecting with the good news of the gospels in an inviting way.

6. A place for prayer to become more meaningful to you

We are totally dependent on God and prayer with God; our communication with God through prayer acknowledges our deep need to commune and converse with Him. Small Groups provide you the opportunity to develop your prayer walk by allowing you to take small steps (such as one sentence prayers) without feeling pressured. The more comfortable we become with prayer the more we experience amazing results in our personal relationship with the Lord.

Throughout the Old Testament and the New, small groups have been a way in which God ministers to the lives of people, helps meet one another's needs, and equips His followers for ministry and service. Without small groups God would not be able to accomplish His purposes in the lives of His people.

Yours in Christ,

God Bless,

This article was borrowed and adapted from Rolling Hills Covenant Church article "Why Join A Small Group"

Friday, December 24, 2010


What if you gave me a gift and I never opened it? Would you be disappointed? The real disappointment would be; it would become a worthless gift because I don’t receive any benefit from a gift I never open.

Jesus Christ is God’s Christmas gift to you. Yet some of us have gone Christmas after Christmas and never opened the best gift of all – God’s gift of salvation. Why even celebrate Christmas if you’re not going to open the biggest gift? It doesn’t make sense to leave unwrapped the gift of your past forgiven, a purpose for living, and a home in heaven.

Jesus Christ says to you, “I can replace the frustration in your heart with peace. I can replace the guilt, resentment, shame, and grudges with forgiveness. I can replace the worry and anxiety with confidence and faith. I can replace depression or despair with hope. I can replace emptiness with meaning and purpose. I can replace confusion with clarity. But I’m not going to break down the door of your heart. You’ve got to invite me in.”

It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from, if you want Jesus in your life and you are ready to do as he says, the door is open.

It doesn’t matter what your religious background is; God didn’t send Jesus to give you religion. He sent him so you could have a personal relationship with your Heavenly Father.

Below is a prayer I prayed years ago when I opened the gift of Jesus. It’s a pretty simple prayer. If these words express the desire in your heart, read them as if you are talking to God.

Dear God, I’m scared, but I want to get to know you. I don’t understand it all, but I thank you that you love me. I thank you that you’re with me even when I didn’t recognize it. I thank you that you are for me; that you didn’t send Jesus to condemn me but to save me.

I admit I never even realized I needed a Savior, but today I want to receive the Christmas gift of your Son. I ask you to save me from my past, my regrets, my mistakes, my sins, my habits, my hurts, and my hang-ups. Save me from myself.

I ask you to save me for your purpose. I want to know why you put me on this planet. And I want to fulfill what you made me to do. I want to learn to love you and trust you and have a relationship with you.

I need peace with you, God, and I need you to put your peace in my heart. I need you to take away the stress and fill me with your love. Help me be a peacemaker, to help others find peace with you and each other. In your name I pray, amen.

Love and blessings this Christmas

Adapted from "Open Your gift from God" by Rick Warren at