Here's the reason. It's clear that an anti-marriage campaign is moving forward piecemeal [that is quietly, yet slowly but surely] because Washington doesn't want to bring the redefinition of marriage to open debate--in Congress, or with the American people. They've seen what we've seen: Each and every time voters in a state have had the chance to protect marriage at the ballot box, they have done so--because common-sense Americans care deeply about marriage and understand that it provides kids with the best chance to have a mom and a dad.
But if the majority of voters in the majority of the states have protected marriage as the union of a man and a woman, why are our federal elected officials so out of step with the will of the people? Marriage and family should be respected and supported by our government--especially for the sake of the next generation. The men and women elected--or appointed--to office have the ability to help shape our country's future for years to come. That's why elections matter, and why confirmation hearings matter as well.
Marriage matters because it is the foundational institution in America (and basically around the world) that makes our culture work. Every child needs to be raised by a Mom and a Dad. Two Moms or two Dads, not matter how sincere, cannot provide that foundation for a child.
God also established marriage to provide for a family. Only a woman and a man can reproduce. And God has established ground rules for marriage to make it last and be effective. Sexual relations outside of marriage like adultery or premarital sex are destructive to the cohesiveness of the couple and a correct example that is to be set for children.
Families are God's first priority for raising children right and effectively passing on the teaching of true values and belief systems.
As government officials continue to ignore the common sense of our nations people, and continually push forward an agenda that is destructive to marriage and family, the end result will be the dissolution of families. And I believe the eventual dissolution of American culture, way of life, and blessing.
Stand up for Families, vote for government leaders who will support marriage and family, and stop this insanity that is destroying our nation!
Love you all,
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