Myrtle Point First Christian Church

Myrtle Point First Christian Church
A view from the front

Monday, March 21, 2011

Be A Successful Witness

“Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” (1 Peter 3:15 NIV). All Christians are called to be a witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. And there is no better time than now, during the Easter season, to share our faith with friends and family.

But let me ask you this: When you speak to people you disagree with, do you express the love, acceptance, forgiveness, mercy and grace of Jesus? Or do you express your personal opinions, judgment, condemnation, disgust, irritation, etc. I could go on and on.

I run into people all the time, when we have a disagreement, especially on matters of faith, I feel rejected, ostracized, judged, and declared WRONG! There is a strong feeling of condescension and disrespect. For some reason when certain people disagree with us they feel they have the right to be rude, unloving, and abrupt. They don’t want to hear our view point, because (from their perspective) you have just lost your right to an opinion or interpretation, because you are obviously WRONG!

Yet there are still other people I often talk to, when we have a disagreement, they remain very respectful, full of grace, and I still feel loved and respected. They don’t judge my opinions, they simply express that they see things a different way. They are willing to carry on the conversation long enough for me to explain my viewpoint and they respect and honor me to have a right to disagree with them.

We must always remember; there is much that an unbeliever is going to do, say, and think that we will disagree with, sometimes vehemently. But at the same time, if we are to be successful in showing them the way to Christ, we must always treat them with honor, respect, and acceptance. If they don’t feel the love and acceptance of Christ coming from us, why would they want to meet the Jesus we believe in?

Would people describe you as gracious, loving and accepting? Or, on the other hand, would they describe you as harsh, judgmental, and correcting? How did people describe Jesus? How would the woman caught in adultery describe Jesus (John 8:1-11)? How would the cripple near the pool of Bethesda describe Jesus (John 5:1-15)? How would blind Bartimaeus describe Jesus (Mark 10:46-52)?

Did Jesus love people and treat them with respect and honor AFTER they got their lives and beliefs in order, or BEFORE? After you answer that question for yourself, then go and do likewise.

May God Bless you richly as you reach out to the people of this community who need to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. And remember: be praying for specific people, by name that you know: pray for them to come to know Jesus personally, and also pray for an opportunity to invite them to church on Easter Sunday/Resurrection Sunday.

Jesus said in John 4:35 (NIV), “I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” May we see God reap a holy harvest in Myrtle Point this Easter.

In Christ's Love,

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